
Pipelines allow you to easily triage all the opportunities you’d like to pursue.

Add to a Pipeline

To add to a pipeline:

  1. Click on the Add to Pipeline button on any search result.
  2. Create a new pipeline or add the opportunity to an existing one.

Managing Pipelines

Navigate over to the Pipelines section. From here, you can get a birds-eye-view of all the opportunities you’re interested in.

Capture Assistant

Make an educated bid/no-bid decision in minutes by leveraging Sweetspot’s Capture Assistant to estimate your probability of winning an opportunity. Sweetspot AI then uses your capture data to fine tune your Proposal Copilot responses.

  1. Navigate to the Pursuits section.
  2. Click on any pursuit.
  3. Navigate to the Capture tab.
  4. Here, you can provide responses to each capture question such that our AI is aware of the full capture context.

The capture process focuses on understanding and influencing the buyer’s requirements and decision-making framework before an RFP is issued. This allows your organization to shape the procurement in its favor, establish relationships with key stakeholders, and tailor its offerings to meet specific needs. By managing the capture phase via the capture questions, your organization can increase its chances of submitting a winning proposal, ensuring it aligns with the buyer’s objectives.

Pipeline Editor

Each stage in your pipeline has a weight attached to it, which, when combined with the answers and scores in a pursuit’s capture questionnaire, can be used to estimate the PWin for a given opportunity within your pipeline.

To edit a pipeline:

  1. Navigate to the Pipelines section.
  2. Click on the pipleine you would like to edit.
  3. Click the Edit button.
  4. Here, you can manually adjust the weightage of each section.

The weight of a question is the multiplier used to combine its score with the rest of the scores in a pursuit’s capture questionnaire. The combination of these weighted scores amongst each topic within a stage’s capture questionnaire can be used to create a rough estimate of your PWin.

With a properly configured pipeline, the capture questionnaire within a given pursuit can help inform a bid/no-bid decision.


Pursuits allow you to manage and track contract opportunities from end to end. Pursuits facilitate the organization, assignment, and progression tracking of bids. PS Overview

Creating a Pursuit

To create a new pursuit:

  1. Click on the + Create Pursuit button in the Pursuits section.
  2. Fill in the pursuit’s title, due date, and assignees.
  3. Optionally, attach relevant files to the pursuit by dragging and dropping files or browsing from your computer.
  4. Set the status to reflect the current stage of the pursuit (e.g., Not Started, In Progress, In Review).
  5. Once all details are filled in, click Create Pursuit to save and begin tracking the pursuit. PS Create

Managing Pursuits

Pursuits are listed with their title, status, assignees, and due date. You can filter this list to find specific pursuits, or use the search function to narrow down the list based on keywords.

Actions for Each Pursuit

For each listed pursuit, you can:

  • Edit: Modify the details of the pursuit.
  • Delete: Remove the pursuit from the list.
  • Change Status: Update the pursuit’s stage to accurately reflect its progress. PS Edit

Pursuit Details

Upon selecting a specific pursuit, you will see a detailed overview page which includes:

  • Pursuit Overview: General information such as assignees, due date, status, and a summary.
  • Tasks: A list of actionable items assigned to team members.
  • Files: Solicitation files provided by the solication.
  • Documents: Proposal documents that the user writes to submit a proposal.
  • Compliance Matrix: A set of requirements outlined in the solication attached in the pursuit that need to be addressed in the proposal.
  • Recent Activity: A timeline of recent updates and changes to the pursuit.

Assigning Tasks

Tasks related to a pursuit can be added and assigned to team members:

  1. Navigate to the My Tasks section of a pursuit.
  2. Click + to add a new task.
  3. Assign the task to a team member.
  4. Set a deadline and describe the task in detail.
  5. Save the task to track its completion. PS Tasks

Win Themes

  • Win Themes: Add Win Themes to share memorable phrases that tell the buyer exactly what benefits your solution will specifically bring and why they should choose you over your competitors for a contract. Sweetspot Al uses these themes to help build a proposal that is tailored specifically for your organization, ensuring that it sets you apart from the competition.

Tasks Management

Creating Tasks

  • To add tasks, click the + next to My Tasks. Assign due dates, priorities, and allocate them to team members.
  • View tasks in a Kanban board layout organized by status categories: To Do, In Progress, In Review, Completed, and Canceled.
  • Edit tasks to update titles, descriptions, due dates, priorities, and assignees.


  • Manage files under the Files tab; add new files or delete as necessary.


  • The Documents tab is for text-based document management. Create, edit, or delete documents related to the pursuit.
    You can generate tasks tagged to each document that can be assigned to a team member
    PS Docs

Compliance Matrix

  • The Compliance Matrix tracks mandatory proposal requirements.
  • Add and link compliance items to documents to ensure criteria are met.
  • The matrix offers an overview of all compliance tasks, their status, and the responsible team members.
  • The Generate button allows your to automatically create matrix items based on the files provided in an opportunity. PS Compliance
    You can generate tasks tagged to each compliance item that can be assigned to a team member

Recent Activity and Contributions

  • Recent Activity logs all actions within the pursuit for team visibility.
  • Contributions show a calendar view of team actions over time.